Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nettle Beer

I went picking nettles tonight. I'll post up the recipe for nettle beer in a week. It takes that long to ferment and I want to taste it first to make sure its drinkable.

So bets on whether It will be palatable?


  1. I bet you it's ok. Didn't our old dears dine on nettle soup for years?

  2. Ive got an idea... Beer from a diff plant, will talk to you about it again.

  3. Yarrow, bog myrtle, maybe wild rosemary if I'm happy its not toxic. There are loads of gruits coming up...

  4. What, no crazy cavorting with stings and looking like a herb-rapist? You're letting the insane-home-brewing-side down, man!

    Wish I was there to try the beer though.

  5. This blog nearly got called guerilla apiarist but i thought it might sound a bit dodgy.
